The best loading speeds for your web sites within the USA, Canada as well as Latin America

We are proud to mix top–quality VPS services with a state–of–the–art US located datacenter located in downtown Chicago, Illinois, to warrant the top website loading speed for your visitors who reside in the U.S.A., Canada and also Latin America.

The Colohouse data center provides complete redundancy in power and network connectivity and serves some of the largest telecom companies in the US. Which means that, here you will discover fantastic hosting conditions for your demanding websites and web applications.

You can easily take advantage of the US located datacenter by selecting it on the sign up form just after you’ve selected your VPS hosting deal. Our knowledgeable administrators can create the server for you and they will also set up an Operating System that you pick. They’ll be on location 24x7 to ensure a 99.9% network uptime and will perform weekly offsite backups of your VPS.

Other US Hosting Services

Our company offers even more within our US located datacenter aside from Virtual Private Servers. We now have US Cloud Hosting packages as well as US Semi-dedicated Hosting Plans delivering a 99.9% network uptime guarantee. We have got US Dedicated Web Hosting Plans, which provide unparalleled hosting power and which will accommodate any sort of website. All US hosting services are offered along with our completely free Site Control Panel. It is made to help make routine hosting actions straightforward & easy. Furthermore, it is brimming with a great deal of complimentary and extremely helpful bonuses and tools which can help you boost your website.