The finest website loading speeds you’ll find in the United States, Canada or Latin America

The site loading speed is a primary factor to your online success, therefore we present you with the option for hosting your sites within one of the best–connected data centers in the US. The Colohouse data center is in downtown Chicago and provides complete power redundancy and excellent network conditions. This way, you are able to warrant the top website loading speed for your visitors within the USA, Canada and Latin America. Also, this particular data center is currently hired by a few of the primary telecommunications providers in the USA.

In our US located datacenter, it is easy to host any web site you’d like – from personal pages and blogs to huge company portals and high–traffic e–stores. Depending on your specific demands, you can select from a range of cloud hosting plans offers, which are backed up by a 99.9% uptime guarantee and also a 24x7 customer assistance service. You can easily choose the US located datacenter on our sign up form.

Other US Hosting Services

The various other web hosting solutions found in our US located datacenter are: US VPS Plans. Similar to our US Cloud Hosting, every other web hosting solution in the US located datacenter is protected by a 99.9% network uptime guarantee together with a 24/7 support service. At the same time, with every US hosting service, you can get our no charge, leading–edge Hepsia Control Panel, which can assist you in enhancing your web site.