APC, or Alternative PHP Cache, is a PHP module that caches the output code of database-driven script applications. Dynamic PHP websites hold their content in a database that is accessed whenever a visitor loads a page. The content that needs to be viewed is retrieved and the code is parsed and compiled prior to it being delivered to the site visitor. All of these actions take some processing time and require reading and writing on the web server for each page which is loaded. While this cannot be avoided for Internet sites with constantly changing content, there're many Internet sites that offer the same content on many of their pages all the time - blogs, info portals, hotel and restaurant Internet sites, and many others. APC is exceptionally useful for this kind of Internet sites because it caches the already compiled code and displays it any time visitors browse the cached webpages, so the code doesn't have to be parsed and compiled again. Not only will this decrease the server load, but it will also increase the speed of any site many times.

APC (PHP Opcode Cache) in Cloud Hosting

You can employ APC for your web applications with any of the cloud hosting packages that we provide as it's pre-installed on our cloud web hosting platform. Activating it will take just a single click inside the Hepsia Control Panel that comes with our shared solutions and several minutes later it will begin caching the program code of your software apps. Our platform is extremely flexible, so you will be able to use different configurations determined by the system requirements of your scripts. For instance, you'll be able to activate APC for several releases of PHP for the entire account and pick the version that each Internet site can use, or you can have the exact same version of PHP, but activate or deactivate APC just for specified Internet sites. This is done by putting a php.ini file with a line of code inside the domain or subdomain folder where you need the custom configuration.

APC (PHP Opcode Cache) in Semi-dedicated Servers

APC is set up on the innovative cloud Internet hosting platform where all semi-dedicated server accounts are created, so you'll be able to use it irrespective of the plan you get. Enabling the module is performed through the Hepsia Control Panel and takes just a click, so you won't need any skills or previous experience in order to take full advantage of it. As you will be able to employ several releases of PHP simultaneously, you will be able to customize the software environment for every single site which you host in the account if needed. A php.ini file with several lines in it placed in a domain folder will enable you to set what version of PHP this specific site will use and whether APC needs to be on or off for it. These settings will have priority over the ones for the account as a whole, so you could run various scripts and take advantage of various web accelerators for sites that are in the same account.